Emanuelson respects Palermo threat

Urby Emanuelson expects League leaders Milan to face some problems in Saturday’s game against Palermo.

The Rossoneri, currently a point clear of Juventus” data-scaytid=”4″>Juventus at the top of the table, are back in action this weekend after the controversial 1-1 draw with the Old Lady.

Urby Emanuelson expects League leaders Milan to face some problems in Saturday’s game against Palermo.

The Rossoneri, currently a point clear of Juventus at the top of the table, are back in action this weekend after the controversial 1-1 draw with the Old Lady.

“Milan, if I’m not mistaken, haven’t won at Palermo for six years,” the Dutch international told Radio Mana Sport.

“It certainly won’t be easy for us, but we feel like we are in good form.

“The important thing is that we win on Saturday so that we can maintain our leadership in the League. We can’t afford to lose.”

The Rosanero are a force to be reckoned with at the Stadio Barbera as only Udinese” data-scaytid=”9″>Udinese have netted more points at home this term.

In 12 games, the Sicilian side have collected 10 wins and just two losses. They’ve won their last four in front of their own fans.