EDF: ‘I want a response’

Eusebio Di Francesco wants to see “a great response” from his Roma side against Milan, after the draw with Atalanta on Monday.

The Giallorossi were 3-1 down to Gian Piero Gasperini’s side, and despite pulling it back to 3-3 the Coach was so frustrated he punched the dugout and broke a bone in his hand.

“We regret the outcome of the match, particularly because of the first half,” Di Francesco said in his pre-match Press conference today.

Eusebio Di Francesco wants to see “a great response” from his Roma side against Milan, after the draw with Atalanta on Monday.

The Giallorossi were 3-1 down to Gian Piero Gasperini’s side, and despite pulling it back to 3-3 the Coach was so frustrated he punched the dugout and broke a bone in his hand.

“We regret the outcome of the match, particularly because of the first half,” Di Francesco said in his pre-match Press conference today.

“We’re also relieved that we managed to salvage the situation though, and we could even have won at the end.

“It’s a point earned in that respect, but there are a lot of mistakes we have to learn from, particularly from the first half.

“Atalanta were much sharper, both in their legs and their heads. I didn’t expect it, but we’d also had an extra day and sometimes that can lead to work piling up and making the game longer.

“I didn’t expect them to be so sharp, paradoxically we ran as much as they did but when you look at the match it doesn’t seem that way. We ran badly, without much quality.

“Players aren’t robots, but I was expecting a different performance. I took off two players at half-time [Bryan Cristante and Lorenzo Pellegrini] who will be the future of Roma and the national team, and if I could I’d have changed the whole defence.

“It was a tactical choice, but these players have to be protected because it was only the second game and there will be some difficulties over the season.

“We need to be balanced, myself first of all because of that punch I did during the match, for which I paid the consequences. It’ll serve as a lesson and it won’t happen again.

“I was angry because we weren’t expressing our full potential. I have to find a solution and I hope I can find the right one.

“Against Milan I want to see a great performance, a great response.”

Di Francesco was then asked what system he’ll deploy at San Siro, a back-three or a four-man defence?

“Let’s start with the premise that a system of play goes out of the window when players don’t put in the things you have to at certain levels.

“You need ruthlessness, determination, concentration, attention and maximum application in playing together as a team.

“With the 4-3-3 of the first half all numbers become relative without those characteristics.

“I’m not going to say anything about the formation against Milan. Beyond the system of play, we need to lose less 50-50s.

“We can play with a lot of systems, having a lot of players who can play many roles is an advantage.

“I need to understand and find solutions. If something is wrong, trying to change it is not a sign of weakness, but intelligence.

“What did you say before the Barcelona game? That I was a fool. Yet after we went through you made me out to be some kind of phenomenon.

“The line between the two is too thin. He who doesn’t take risks will never make mistakes, and I take responsibility for the good and the bad.”