EDF ‘hopes for distracted Juve’

Sassuolo Coach Eusebio Di Francesco ‘hopes to find a distracted Juventus’ on Friday and doesn’t want Simone Zaza to play.

The Neroverdi face the Bianconeri in the first Serie A clash of the weekend, shortly before Juve travel for their Champions League last 16 second leg against Bayern Munich.

Di Francesco hopes the timing works to their advantage, but also wants former Sassuolo striker Zaza not to play as ‘I’m afraid of goals from ex-players.’

Sassuolo Coach Eusebio Di Francesco ‘hopes to find a distracted Juventus’ on Friday and doesn’t want Simone Zaza to play.

The Neroverdi face the Bianconeri in the first Serie A clash of the weekend, shortly before Juve travel for their Champions League last 16 second leg against Bayern Munich.

Di Francesco hopes the timing works to their advantage, but also wants former Sassuolo striker Zaza not to play as ‘I’m afraid of goals from ex-players.’

“I hope to find a Juve side that is distracted by Bayern,” Di Francesco said to Tuttosport.

“I hope for that given that we’re going to play in the home of the best and strongest team, with a defence that hasn’t conceded for a long time.

“The Golden Bench award? I voted for Montella but there’s no doubt that it was the right recognition for Allegri.

“He knew how to continue in the best way with the work Conte started. It wasn’t easy or taken for granted after three extraordinary seasons, he was really very good.

“The 2-2 draw in the first leg against Bayern wasn’t a favourable result but the Bianconeri team, with their potential, quality and mentality can go there to play.

“Of course it’ll be a challenge but it’s not impossible. Also because Bayern are always strong but they aren’t the rock they used to be.

“I hope Zaza doesn’t start. I’m always afraid of goals from ex-players. I know him well, he’s developed and improved again even though it’s never easy when you don’t play with continuity.

“But when Simone has been called he’s always been ready to perform and score goals.

“Getting points in Turin? Up until now we’ve played and won important matches against teams with great depth, we’re a team that prefers to play and always looks to have fun.

“We hope that happens on Friday as well. We’ll have a few absences but we’ll try to play our game as always.”