Dybala ‘waiting for COVID-19 test’

Paulo Dybala ‘just has to wait’ for the coronavirus all-clear, assured his girlfriend, as a virologist points out still testing positive after six weeks is ‘not unusual.’

Spanish television programme El Chiringuito claimed this week that Dybala had tested positive for the fourth time in 40 days, meaning he has still not shaken off COVID-19 and cannot return to training or even end his quarantine.

Other reports in Italy suggested it wasn’t so much that he tested positive, as the final negative test had not yet arrived.

Paulo Dybala ‘just has to wait’ for the coronavirus all-clear, assured his girlfriend, as a virologist points out still testing positive after six weeks is ‘not unusual.’

Spanish television programme El Chiringuito claimed this week that Dybala had tested positive for the fourth time in 40 days, meaning he has still not shaken off COVID-19 and cannot return to training or even end his quarantine.

Other reports in Italy suggested it wasn’t so much that he tested positive, as the final negative test had not yet arrived.

“Paulo is not positive again, he just has to wait,” his partner Oriana told Canal 9 in Argentina.

“He did the latest tests and we haven’t had the results yet, so I don’t know where this news is coming from. Just as we were very open about testing positive, we will announce the negativity when we get it.

“I personally have now tested negative, but we are not 100 per cent sure, so want to say something only when we are certain.”

Tuttosport spoke to virologist Professor Giovanni Di Perri to ask about the situation, as while most people recover fully after around 14 days, every body is different.

“It’s another thing that stands this virus out from others, as it clings on for a long time. It’s not unusual, as the recovery time tends to be from eight to 37 days, but in some cases can go reach two months.

“Being positive does not necessarily damage the body.”

Dybala is said to be asymptomatic now and undergoing light training at home.