Donadoni wants positive Parma

Roberto Donadoni is eagerly anticipating the visit of table-topping Juventus” data-scaytid=”2″>Juventus on Tuesday night and warns his players not to be afraid.

Parma won three consecutive League meetings against the Bianconeri before last September’s 4-1 defeat and Donadoni is keen that the players’ mentality is correct for the return fixture.

Roberto Donadoni is eagerly anticipating the visit of table-topping Juventus on Tuesday night and warns his players not to be afraid.

Parma won three consecutive League meetings against the Bianconeri before last September’s 4-1 defeat and Donadoni is keen that the players’ mentality is correct for the return fixture.

“We must not only limit the opponents, we must effectively hurt Juventus by playing our own game,” he told the Press on Monday.

“We will only get trouble throughout the game if we are at the mercy of our opponents. It is one thing I do not like.

“We know what we have to do. I want the guys to just interpret the game, with great care and great determination.

“The evening will be special, it will be fun to play this game. I would like to play every week at this level because it gives you great enthusiasm and stimulus.”