Di Maria and Paredes return to Juventus after World Cup win

Angel Di Maria and Leandro Paredes have returned to Juventus’ training ground at Continassa after their World Cup win with Argentina.

The pair were part of Lionel Scaloni’s victorious squad at the tournament in Qatar and were given an extra break by the Bianconeri after their success. Other Argentinian players in Serie A, like Inter’s Lautaro Martinez and Roma’s Paulo Dybala, returned several days ago, sparking some controversy in Turin.

As highlighted by Gianluca Di Marzio, both Di Maria and Paredes have now returned to the Juventus training centre, restarting work with Massimiliano Allegri and their teammates ahead of the second half of the season.

Fans were frustrated that the pair were seen in a party at Lionel Messi’s house in the last few days, leading to suggestions that their focus was elsewhere only days away from Serie A’s restart.

Both players look set to leave Turin at the end of the season, with Di Maria departing a free agent and Paredes returning to Paris after the conclusion of his loan spell.