Mario Giuffredi, the agent of Giovanni Di Lorenzo, is refusing to back down in the growing feud with Napoli, feeling the club ‘undermined the basic principle’ of trust.

The 30-year-old Italian right back is seemingly keen to close out his cycle in the Campania capital this summer, despite having penned a new five-year deal following their Scudetto success 12 months ago.

Giuffredi publicly highlighted Di Lorenzo’s intentions to leave this summer, prompting Napoli to release a frustrated statement where they underlined that he wasn’t for sale in the coming months, seeing the feud between club and player grow.

The Italian full back has been linked with a number of clubs ahead of the transfer market, including Juventus, Inter, Milan and Roma.

Di Lorenzo drama continues

Speaking to CalcioNapoli24, Giuffredi responded to Napoli’s statement, underling why his client is keen to leave the club and taking aim at the behaviour of club president Aurelio De Laurentiis.

“I take note of the statement issued by SSC Napoli on behalf of the [resident. However, I would like to remind everyone, including De Laurentiis, that our actions and decisions inevitably arise from his declarations.

“On May 19th, on the occasion of the press conference of the double retreat Dimaro-Castel Di Sangro, the owner himself publicly declared that all the players in the squad, none excluded and including Di Lorenzo, were transferable.

“He uttered the exact words: ‘All transferable, we need to see who wants to buy them’.

“In the aftermath of these statements, individual talks between the new sporting director Giovanni Manna and all the members of the squad began. Well, on that occasion too, the same concept was reiterated to Di Lorenzo.

“If the club received a suitable offer, a sale would have been taken into consideration and consequently evaluated.

“And so, I ask myself: in the face of such a clear attitude in the desire to sell and such a drastic and clear position, how can De Laurentiis turn around and retract everything after less than two weeks?

“Words sometimes hurt more than a slap and in this case, they undermined the basic principle of every relationship, that is, trust. This statement amounts to pure inconsistency since the exact opposite of what was stated in a public session.

“I say to president De Laurentiis that when we talk in life we ​​can’t always retrace our steps because even footballers, and in this case Di Lorenzo, like every human being, have their own sensitivity beyond the football they play.

“In any case, I warn you that I will respond blow by blow to every inaccuracy as long as the whole truth comes out. As regards the Di Lorenzo situation, I reiterate that we will continue on our path, I will continue to work to ensure that the player leaves Napoli.”

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