Sampdoria Coach Mimmo Di Carlo asks his men to be “more determined and respond to the fans' message” against Cesena this lunchtime.

The 11.30 UK time kick-off sees the Blucerchiati and Cavallucci Marini try to get back on their feet.

“We need to be more determined and respond to the fans' message. They made it clear what they want and that is for us to fight harder on the pitch,” said Di Carlo.

Sampdoria Coach Mimmo Di Carlo asks his men to be “more determined and respond to the fans' message” against Cesena this lunchtime.

The 11.30 UK time kick-off sees the Blucerchiati and Cavallucci Marini try to get back on their feet.

“We need to be more determined and respond to the fans' message. They made it clear what they want and that is for us to fight harder on the pitch,” said Di Carlo.

“It's too early to say this is a relegation dogfight, but we are looking for an important result. We are six points clear and want to reach the 40 mark as soon as possible.

“Cesena are coming from a good period of form, as they focus on the counter-attack and can really hurt opponents.

“As for Samp, we have done well in the last two games, proving we are getting better and stepped on to the field with the right mentality.

“The key to this match and all of them is to work hard and battle. It's that team spirit that makes the difference more than tactics.”

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