Roma Coach Rudi Garcia insists that Mattia Destro is an important player for his team, despite rumours of an exit.

It was reported yesterday that the Giallorossi had accepted a bid for Destro from Torino, only for the striker to reject the move.

However, the former Lille Coach has used his Press conference ahead of tomorrow’s game with Palermo to state that he views Destro as an important player.

Roma Coach Rudi Garcia insists that Mattia Destro is an important player for his team, despite rumours of an exit.

It was reported yesterday that the Giallorossi had accepted a bid for Destro from Torino, only for the striker to reject the move.

However, the former Lille Coach has used his Press conference ahead of tomorrow’s game with Palermo to state that he views Destro as an important player.

“He’s our striker and Mattia is very important for us,” Garcia told journalists.

“He’ll get goals for us, and I’m counting on him for the entire second half of the season. Mattia is at 100 per cent in training, I can see he’s calm, for anything else you’d have to speak to him.”

The French Coach then gave an update on the Lupi’s injury situation, and reveals that he has almost a full squad available for the trip to Sicily.

“Manolas is fine, apart from Torosidis and those suspended we have a full squad.

“We have [Seydou] Keita, [Radja] Nainggolan and [Daniele] De Rossi out, so we’ll have to come up with something.

“[Alessandro] Florenzi, [Leandro] Paredes and [Salih] Ucan – though not for the entire game – and Urby Emanuelson can all play. I’ve prepared two systems for this game in addition to our usual which we could start with or use during the game.

“For me the formation isn't all-important, it depends what the players do in that formation.

“Palermo have quality in attack, but also concede a lot of goals. We have to play our game with intensity and quality.

“We’re aiming for three points.”


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