It is reported Daniele De Rossi is taking time to consider Roma’s final contract offer of a five-year deal worth €6m per season plus bonuses.

American investor James Pallotta flew in for last night’s crunch talks and according to the media in Rome the club put forward its take it or leave it proposal.

It is reported Daniele De Rossi is taking time to consider Roma’s final contract offer of a five-year deal worth €6m per season plus bonuses.

American investor James Pallotta flew in for last night’s crunch talks and according to the media in Rome the club put forward its take it or leave it proposal.

This would be €6m plus bonuses per season for five years, though the contentious buy-out clause is not clear.

De Rossi and agent Sergio Berti agreed to consider the offer and will give their response over the next few days.

There is interest from numerous other clubs, including Manchester City, Inter, Real Madrid and Manchester United.

The 2006 World Cup winner’s contract expires at the end of the season.

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