Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis turned up at the club’s training ground today to watch Rudi Garcia’s work with the squad.

The French coach’s future with the club is shrouded in doubt after the team’s slow start to the season, leading De Laurentiis to start considering possible replacements.

The top choice was Antonio Conte, but the former Juventus and Chelsea boss has ruled out a move to Campania, instead preferring to spend time resting with his family.

As reported by Gianluca Di Marzio, De Laurentiis visited Castel Volturno today to watch Garcia’s training session with the Napoli squad. After this, he spoke closely to the coach.

Conte’s decision to reject Napoli’s approach has bought Garcia some time, but a replacement could still be brought in before the end of the international break next week.

The Partenopei currently sit fifth in the Serie A table after eight matches, picking up 14 points from four wins and two draws.

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