“I know that Roma and Juventus” data-scaytid=”21″>Juventus have discussed” Paolo De Ceglie, said his agent, but the full-back wants to extend his current contract.

The 25-year-old has spent most of this season on the bench with Giorgio Chiellini’s move to left-back, but has caught the eye of Luis Enrique.

“I know that Roma and Juventus have discussed” Paolo De Ceglie, said his agent, but the full-back wants to extend his current contract.

The 25-year-old has spent most of this season on the bench with Giorgio Chiellini’s move to left-back, but has caught the eye of Luis Enrique.

“I know that Roma and Juventus have discussed De Ceglie, quite apart from the talks that happened when Marco Borriello moved on loan to Turin,” agent Carlo Pallavicino told Tele Radio Stereo.

“They probably took place during the negotiations for David Pizarro. De Ceglie’s contract expires in a year and it is our intention to wait for Juventus to call a meeting to discuss the renewal.

“The lad is wanted by many clubs and not just Roma. He is very admired by Inter Coach Claudio Ranieri, who during his time at Juventus gave Paolo a lot of playing time.”

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