Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba has reportedly been called to attend a hearing with his brother Mathias and others who are charged with his attempted extortion and criminal conspiracy.

The plot to extort money from the France international even went so far as to see two childhood friends hold the player at gunpoint in an apartment in Paris just over a year ago.

They wanted him to pay €13m in order to purchase his own safety and that of those close to him.

Pogba’s brother Mathias was one of six relatives and childhood associates who were indicted with attempted extortion.

According to RMC Sport, the first hearing has been scheduled for September 15 and Paul Pogba has been called to appear, but it remains to be seen if he will attend.

Mathias Pogba denied he was part of an extortion plot, but did release a series of videos on social media in which he accused his brother of hiring a witch doctor to place a curse on France teammate Kylian Mbappé.

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