Inter and Colombia wing-back Juan Cuadrado confirms he has been playing through ‘unbearable pain’ and is now forced to have surgery ‘because the doctors say it could get worse if I don’t.’

The veteran joined the Nerazzurri from Juventus as a free agent over the summer, but has barely featured due to this recurring inflammation of the Achilles tendon.

There were reports he would have an operation to resolve the problem once and for all tomorrow, and it seems as if that is indeed the schedule.

“I have been dealing with this pain in my tendon and did everything an athlete can do to recover. I even trained and played through unbearable pain, when it does not allow me to give 100 per cent,” wrote Cuadrado on Instagram.

“I declined all treatment options that would involve surgery, but the doctors say it could get worse if I don’t take this decision.

“I have always been a player who gives my best on and off the field. It makes me very sad that I have not been able to do that so far for this great club that gave me a big opportunity.

“But I have faith in God, for we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.”

The 35-year-old is expected to be out of action for at least two to three months.

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