Cristante: Interest flattering, but…

Bryan Cristante insists he is happy at Atalanta, despite being ‘flattered’ by reported interest from the likes of Inter, Juventus and Atletico Madrid.

Cristante’s performances for Atalanta this season have reportedly caught the eye of bigger clubs, but the former Milan midfielder vowed to stick with the Orobici for the time being.

“Anyone would be flattered by the interest of these great teams, but I can say that I’m fine at Atalanta,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

Bryan Cristante insists he is happy at Atalanta, despite being ‘flattered’ by reported interest from the likes of Inter, Juventus and Atletico Madrid.

Cristante’s performances for Atalanta this season have reportedly caught the eye of bigger clubs, but the former Milan midfielder vowed to stick with the Orobici for the time being.

“Anyone would be flattered by the interest of these great teams, but I can say that I’m fine at Atalanta,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

“I feel good here and I’ll stay here. if something arises, the club will talk to my agent about it.”