Criscito: ‘Mancini right for Italy’

Domenico Criscito believes new Italy CT Roberto Mancini is “the right man to bring us back to the footballing elite”, and hopes for an Azzurri recall.

The pair worked together at Zenit St Petersburg this season, and Mancio was today confirmed as the new Coach of the national team.

“He’s spectacular, both on a human level and a professional one,” Criscito told Tuttosport.

“I already knew him before he came to coach here because when he was at Inter he came to find out if I was willing to move to the Nerazzurri.

Domenico Criscito believes new Italy CT Roberto Mancini is “the right man to bring us back to the footballing elite”, and hopes for an Azzurri recall.

The pair worked together at Zenit St Petersburg this season, and Mancio was today confirmed as the new Coach of the national team.

“He’s spectacular, both on a human level and a professional one,” Criscito told Tuttosport.

“I already knew him before he came to coach here because when he was at Inter he came to find out if I was willing to move to the Nerazzurri.

“He knows so much about football but I don’t need to say that, his CV speaks for itself. He’s won wherever he’s gone, from Inter to Manchester City.

“On a human level Mancini is outstanding, our relationship is excellent. I’ll never be able to thank him enough, he taught me football.

“I’m happy they’ve decided to entrust the resurrection of the national team to him, he’s the right man to bring us back to the footballing elite.”

Criscito hasn’t been capped by his country since 2014, could a recall be on the cards?

“I’ll be honest, I did make some jokes with the boss!

“All joking aside though, Mancini knows what I can offer, unlike [Giampiero] Ventura who considered Russia to be too far away to come and watch me…

“I really hope with all my heart that I’ll have the chance to wear Azzurro again.”