Coronavirus: Pandemic response reassuring

There were another 56 deaths related to coronavirus in Italy over the last 24 hours, with 163 new positive tests from 70,620 swabs.

The numbers continue to fall rapidly, as Italy moves into Phase Three of the pandemic response.

The total death toll is now 34,223, with an additional 56 who died since yesterday.

There are now only 227 patients remaining in intensive care, a drop of nine, while 1,747 have been given the all-clear.

It’s very good to see that out of 70,620 new swabs, only three came back positive.

There were another 56 deaths related to coronavirus in Italy over the last 24 hours, with 163 new positive tests from 70,620 swabs.

The numbers continue to fall rapidly, as Italy moves into Phase Three of the pandemic response.

The total death toll is now 34,223, with an additional 56 who died since yesterday.

There are now only 227 patients remaining in intensive care, a drop of nine, while 1,747 have been given the all-clear.

It’s very good to see that out of 70,620 new swabs, only three came back positive.

The total number of currently active cases fell by 1,640 to 28,997.

Once again, Lombardy is the outlier, responsible for 272 new positive cases out of 14,837 swabs.

This region also contributed 31 of the 56 deaths.