Coronavirus: Active cases fall again in Italy

There were 534 coronavirus-related deaths in Italy over the last 24 hours, taking the total to 24,648, but new cases, hospitalisations and intensive care admissions keep dropping.

Although the country has seemingly surpassed the peak of the pandemic, the daily death toll remains disconcertingly high at 534.

It had dropped to 454 on Monday and 433 the day before that, so this is a step up, but within expected parameters.

There were 534 coronavirus-related deaths in Italy over the last 24 hours, taking the total to 24,648, but new cases, hospitalisations and intensive care admissions keep dropping.

Although the country has seemingly surpassed the peak of the pandemic, the daily death toll remains disconcertingly high at 534.

It had dropped to 454 on Monday and 433 the day before that, so this is a step up, but within expected parameters.

The biggest news is the overall curve, as for the second day in a row – something that had not happened since the start of the crisis in February – the number of overall current positive cases has dropped.

Yesterday there were 20 fewer currently positive patients, that figure has now dropped by a massive 528, reaching 107,709.

There are 24,134 people in hospital with COVID-19 symptoms, a drop of 772 in the last 24 hours, with 2,471 in intensive care (-102).

Those self-isolating at home with only minor symptoms are 81,104, with 2,723 given the all-clear since yesterday.

Once again, Lombardy is the epicentre and 203 of those 534 deaths came in that region, for a total of 12,579.