Contract termination among Juventus’ options in Pogba doping case

La Gazzetta dello Sport reports Juventus are convinced of having taken the right steps in treating Paul Pogba’s injuries and could terminate the Frenchman’s contract if he fails counter-analysis.

Pogba has been precautionary suspended by the Anti-Doping Tribunal having failed a doping test on August 20 after Juventus’ away game at Udinese where the Frenchman was not even involved.

Pogba has been struggling with injuries since his return to Turin in 2022. According to Gazzetta, Juventus are convinced of having treated his physical issues correctly and only through licit substances.

The ex-Manchester United midfielder is now expected to undergo counter-analysis and Juventus won’t take any decision until they get the result of the second test.

They will further investigate the issue with their player to determine whether he has any responsibility or has involved a third party to treat his injuries.

Pogba’s agent Rafaela Pimenta has insisted that her client “never intended to break the rules” but according to Gazzetta Juventus can already suspend his salary and if the counter-analysis confirms positivity the Bianconeri could even terminate Pogba’s contract.