CONMEBOL also rejects World Cup every two years

After UEFA, now South American organisation CONMEBOL have also come out publicly against FIFA President Gianni Infantino’s proposal for a World Cup every two years.

This latest stand taken against the project will further dent Infantino’s stance on the idea, which has generally received very little support.

This evening, CONMEBOL released a statement warning that a World Cup every two years would “distort the most important football competition on the planet, lowering its quality and undermining its exclusive character and its current demanding standards.”

CONMEBOL confirm that at some stage they had supported this project, but after a technical analysis of the proposal and consultation with South American football leaders, have found it to be “highly unviable.”

The South American confederation has therefore ratified its support for the current World Cup model every four years.

Club associations, various individual top leagues and of course UEFA have all come out against the idea of playing the World Cup every two years.