After UEFA, now South American organisation CONMEBOL have also come out publicly against FIFA President Gianni Infantino’s proposal for a World Cup every two years.

This latest stand taken against the project will further dent Infantino’s stance on the idea, which has generally received very little support.

This evening, CONMEBOL released a statement warning that a World Cup every two years would “distort the most important football competition on the planet, lowering its quality and undermining its exclusive character and its current demanding standards.”

CONMEBOL confirm that at some stage they had supported this project, but after a technical analysis of the proposal and consultation with South American football leaders, have found it to be “highly unviable.”

The South American confederation has therefore ratified its support for the current World Cup model every four years.

Club associations, various individual top leagues and of course UEFA have all come out against the idea of playing the World Cup every two years.

6 thought on “CONMEBOL also rejects World Cup every two years”
  1. So now two major organizations (constituting all the historical winners of the competition) have condemned this asinine notion of biennial World Cups. I hope that is enough to kibosh this stupid plan.

  2. this is also championed by Arsen Wenger , who the hypocrite when he was Arsenal manager hated international breaks and the amount of games played internationally. This is just about making more money and Wenger who is probably receive loads of money to push it and Infantino who loves the game and wants to protect the game the players for the FANS. LIAR LIAR. ITs so they can push this in africa and asia which need the world cup to boost revenue and of course Line the pockets of BIll and Ben the flower pot men

  3. The world cup as it’s and since the 15-20 years became a low standard, what will become of it, if it’s played every 2 years? Honestly, I’m one of the guys who does not enjoy world cup and international football anymore, it’s boring and not as good as club football and in particular UCL.

  4. The International game is definitely NOT boring & for me it’s the greatest form of the game
    I absolutely love the World Cup & The European Championships so I am a massive fan of having it every 4 years for both so you get a fantastic major tournament every 2 years anyway ,Also keeping them both prestigious at the same time
    Forza Italia

  5. Totally agree Andrea. Well said. Leave things as they are. It is the best football we can get from the European Championship and World Cup. The recent one was probably one of the best tournaments ever. Shame about the English fans at the final but other than that, it was a master piece of football. There wasn’t one game that was boring. All of them were very good games. Not so sure about the WC 2022 being played in winter but other than that, looking forward to it.

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