Juraj Kucka continues to be linked with a move to Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”3″>Fiorentina – even though Genoa insist that no contact has been made.

La Nazione is today reporting that a co-ownership deal has been agreed between the two clubs for the Slovakian.

Juraj Kucka continues to be linked with a move to Fiorentina – even though Genoa insist that no contact has been made.

La Nazione is today reporting that a co-ownership deal has been agreed between the two clubs for the Slovakian.

However, Genoa sporting director Stefano Capozucca has told Radio Blu that the 25-year-old’s future has not been discussed.

“There has been no contact for Kucka,” the official stated. “There have been a few requests, but nothing concrete.

“He is a Genoa player.”

Genoa took total control of the midfielder’s contract again this summer after he was previously part-owned by Inter, an outfit he never played for.

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