Conflicting Tevez reports

Conflicting reports are emerging this evening that both Inter and Paris Saint-Germain have agreed a fee for Carlos Tevez.

Both clubs are hot favourites to sign the Manchester City striker after Milan pulled out of negotiations last week.

Conflicting reports are emerging this evening that both Inter and Paris Saint-Germain have agreed a fee for Carlos Tevez.

Both clubs are hot favourites to sign the Manchester City striker after Milan pulled out of negotiations last week.

According to, Inter will use the £5.8m that City still owe over the Mario Balotelli transfer in order to bump up their bid for Tevez.

It was reported they had a £20.7m proposal rejected, as Manchester City are holding out for £25m.

On the other hand, France Press claim Paris Saint-Germain have agreed a fee worth £25m plus £5m in performance-related bonuses.