Chiesa future at Juventus may depend on next coach

Federico Chiesa is willing to pen a new contract with Juventus but much reportedly depends on who the next head coach will be.

The 26-year-old has less than two years left on his current deal in Turin and the club are keen to lock down their star winger to a new contract. In the summer, he rejected a lucrative offer from Saudi Arabia, which he rejected.

Chiesa recently praised Italy coach Luciano Spalletti after the 5-2 win over North Macedonia, noting how the team are ‘more positive and attacking’ under their new boss. In Turin, however, there’s a more pragmatic and defensive system under Massimiliano Allegri.

As highlighted by TMW, Juventus director Crisitano Giuntoli is gearing up for talks with Chiesa’s agent Fali Ramadani, where they’ll discuss a new five-year contract for the winger.

Whilst the 26-year-old has given priority to the Old Lady, it’s clear that he is keen to play in a more offensive and positive system, so his decision will also depend on which coach replaces Allegri in the Piedmont capital.