Chiellini: ‘Vidal liked a drink’

Giorgio Chiellini reveals how alcohol was Arturo Vidal’s ‘weakness’ and recalls the time when Antonio Conte was ready to ‘kick him out’ of Juventus’ squad.

Chiellini’s new autobiography was released on Tuesday, but it has already caused quite a stir with his criticism of Felipe Melo and Mario Balotelli, as well as his comments on Inter.

Now, the 35-year-old has passed judgment on Vidal, with whom he won four Scudetti between 2011 and 2015.

Giorgio Chiellini reveals how alcohol was Arturo Vidal’s ‘weakness’ and recalls the time when Antonio Conte was ready to ‘kick him out’ of Juventus’ squad.

Chiellini’s new autobiography was released on Tuesday, but it has already caused quite a stir with his criticism of Felipe Melo and Mario Balotelli, as well as his comments on Inter.

Now, the 35-year-old has passed judgment on Vidal, with whom he won four Scudetti between 2011 and 2015.

“A footballer isn’t a devil or a saint. The distinction to be made is quite another. That is, between those who are real and those who are fake,” he wrote in an excerpt leaked by SOS Fanta.

“Someone like Vidal sometimes went out and drank more than they should’ve. Everyone knew it. It can be said that alcohol was a bit of a weakness for him.

“However, that doesn’t put into question whether he is a champion or which type of person he is.

“Weaknesses are part of human nature. What matters are the consequences they can have on a squad.

“The great Arturo didn’t show up for training a couple of times a year or, when he did, let’s say he was rather merry.

“However, he never slacked. On the contrary, I think that sometimes, certain ways of being can make you stronger.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t get to know Paolo Montero that well. He was someone else who lived like a king at night.

“During his last season with us, when his performance levels had dropped, Moggi went to him and said: ‘Paolo, please stop staying at home in the evening. Go back to your old ways!’ Vidal was a bit like that.

“I still remember a preseason tour in the US. We were in Miami the night before our last training session and were given hall passes.

“The next morning, Arturo was nowhere to be seen. He was in bed and he had to be physically dragged out.

“We also tried out our new training gear that day. We were all dressed in black, in 40°C heat: Conte couldn’t wait to kick him out of the squad and make an example out of him.

“Instead, after 10 minutes when Arturo still looked drunk and didn’t even see the ball go by, he ended up running like crazy and beat everyone else by 20 metres.

“What can you say to a person who, among other things, brings joy to a squad, as well as being someone who drives the team on and is both a fighter and a great champion?”