Chelsea resist Inter interest in loans for Lukaku and Koulibaly

Inter director Piero Ausilio has travelled to London for negotiations with Chelsea but faced a key obstacle in his talks for Romelu Lukaku and Kalidou Koulibaly.

The Nerazzurri are keen to retain the Belgian striker for another season at least, satisfied with his contributions in the final stages of this season. Whilst Lukaku struggled in the first half of the campaign, he began to show his decisiveness in recent months, scoring seven goals in his last seven Serie A appearances.

Inter are also looking for a new centre back to shore up their backline, needing to fill the void left behind after Milan Skriniar’s free transfer to Paris Saint-Germain. The club also need to agree a deal with Lazio for Francesco Acerbi.

As reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport via TMW, Inter want to sign both Lukaku and Koulibaly on loan this summer, but Chelsea are not interested in temporary deals for the pair, instead preferring to cash in on their sales.

The Belgian striker will reiterate his desire to stay with the Nerazzurri and not return to London, whilst the former Napoli defender is happy with Chelsea but could be cut to make space for new reinforcements.