Inter are preparing to discuss a new loan deal with Chelsea for striker Romelu Lukaku but it may be more expensive than last year’s agreement.

The Belgian striker left the Nerazzurri for West London last year in a deal worth around €113m, but things didn’t go to plan in England and Lukaku returned on an €8m loan in the summer. It’s not been a positive season for the 29-year-old, who has hardly featured in Lombardy due to a hamstring injury and suffered a painful World Cup exit with Belgium.

As reported by Tuttosport, Inter and Chelsea are gearing up to agree a new loan deal for Lukaku, but an agreement may be a little difficult to reach. The Premier League giants are looking to increase the figures to €7.86m plus €3m in add-ons for the loan and for the Nerazzurri to pay €8.5m of his €12m wages.

The Milanese club, on the other hand, had been hoping to agree a cheaper deal than the one set up last year, conscious of their financial limitations.

2 thought on “Chelsea look to raise figures in Lukaku deal with Inter”
  1. Well, let’s see how things turn up for him, uf he shakes away his physical problems and perform near the Conte’s era then I’d say go fir it, otherwise not worth it even with the current conditions!

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