Cesena President Giorgio Lugaresi says his club will not be part of any effort to save crisis-hit Parma.

There are real fears that the Ducali will not make it to the end of the season, with one possible plan being for the other Serie A clubs to help fund them.

However, the Cavallucci Marini patron warns that his club will not be part of any such plan.

“We’re in favour of Parma completing the season,” Lugaresi explained to Tuttomercatoweb.

Cesena President Giorgio Lugaresi says his club will not be part of any effort to save crisis-hit Parma.

There are real fears that the Ducali will not make it to the end of the season, with one possible plan being for the other Serie A clubs to help fund them.

However, the Cavallucci Marini patron warns that his club will not be part of any such plan.

“We’re in favour of Parma completing the season,” Lugaresi explained to Tuttomercatoweb.

“We don’t mind that, [but] I’m against attempts to bail them out. They must face up to their own responsibilities, not just to their players, but to other creditors.

“The club should be saved the way we saved Cesena in Serie B: by coming to terms with their debt.

“In 2012 we took over Cesena with twice the debts, we paid those debts, without shortcuts. Everyone got what they were owed.

“People need to think about the other companies that would be affected by Parma going bankrupt. I don’t agree with separating the rest [of the debts] from the sporting side.

“All of the creditors should be safeguarded, not just the sporting ones. The whole system must be protected.”


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