Ceferin no longer wants to talk about Agnelli

Aleksander Ceferin insists that the rapport between UEFA and Juventus ‘will always be correct’ although he no longer wants to talk about Andrea Agnelli.

Agnelli was one of the main architects of the Super League, which was unveiled by 12 elite European clubs in April 2021, collapsing within 48 hours from its launch. Juventus, Real Madrid and Barcelona are the only three teams that didn’t announce their withdrawal from the competition. They are also currently out of ECA.

But what’s the rapport between UEFA, Juventus and their President Andrea Agnelli?

“UEFA and Juventus are two institutions and the rapport will always be correct,” Ceferin told Il Corriere della Sera.

“Regarding the person you named [Agnelli], I don’t want to say a word. He is the past.

Ceferin’s term as UEFA President ends next year, but the 67-year-old is looking for four more years.

“I think I’ll run for another term, hoping I won’t always live in a continuous crisis,” he said.

“I am optimistic and quite sure that the war will end soon.

“Sanctions against Russian clubs were necessary, it’s not politic, it’s a humanitarian crisis. I am sorry to punish the athletes, it’s not their war. They didn’t decide it or want it, but we must aim for peace.

“It was fair to end the partnership with Gazprom, it was costly, a huge blow for our finances, but people are losing their lives. I talk to the President of the Ukrainian FA every day and I spoke to Dyukov, of the Russian Federation, before deciding. I am not a coward, I don’t do things secretly.”

Ceferin also discussed Italy’s chances to host the Euros in the future: “You have chances, but you must invest. It’s been many years since new stadiums have been built and the new ones are quite small. I’ve heard that even the Stadio Mezza’s capacity will be reduced. The government should be involved, it’s an operation for the county’s good.”