Catania President Antonio Pulvirenti believes his side needs to beat Palermo in this weekend's Sicilian derby if they are to survive.

The Elefanti are perilously close to the drop zone and things haven't greatly improved since the appointment of Diego Simeone.

"The team has worked intensely for two weeks and is ready to face a doubly important game with the utmost attention," Pulvirenti told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"We are playing for survival. If we unite the two motivations we can explain why the game is sold out.

Catania President Antonio Pulvirenti believes his side needs to beat Palermo in this weekend's Sicilian derby if they are to survive.

The Elefanti are perilously close to the drop zone and things haven't greatly improved since the appointment of Diego Simeone.

"The team has worked intensely for two weeks and is ready to face a doubly important game with the utmost attention," Pulvirenti told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"We are playing for survival. If we unite the two motivations we can explain why the game is sold out.

"This time we know that, aside from the 600 travelling Palermo fans, all the others will all be supporting Catania.

"When Milan, Inter and Juve come, we are sold out, but also aware that not all the fans are here for us."

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