Catania buy land for new ground

Catania have reported that President Antonino Pulvirenti has closed a deal to buy a plot of land specifically for the development of a new stadium.

Catania have reported that President Antonino Pulvirenti has closed a deal to buy a plot of land specifically for the development of a new stadium.

“The President of Catania Calcio Antonino Pulvirenti has this morning signed at a notary office in Catania the deed for the purchase of the land on which will be the new stadium for Calcio Catania,” read the club’s statement released on Thursday.

“The site, approximately 50 acres, is located in the Catania district of Jungetto, on the western outskirts of the city.

“The club has already commissioned studio engineer Emanuele Stancanelli to prepare a final project to be submitted to the municipality of Catania by December 31, 2014, in full compliance with the provisions of the law regarding stadium regulations.”