Cassano ‘went out all night’ with Totti

Antonio Cassano reveals some of the antics he got up to with Francesco Totti at Roma. ‘Sometimes we’d go out all night and then go straight to training.’

The pair were firm friends when Cassano joined the Giallorossi in 2001 and that is depicted in the new Sky Italia comedy drama based on Totti’s life and career.

FantAntonio has been critical of the show, Speravo de Mori Prima, and continued venting his irritation for Striscia La Notizia.

Antonio Cassano reveals some of the antics he got up to with Francesco Totti at Roma. ‘Sometimes we’d go out all night and then go straight to training.’

The pair were firm friends when Cassano joined the Giallorossi in 2001 and that is depicted in the new Sky Italia comedy drama based on Totti’s life and career.

FantAntonio has been critical of the show, Speravo de Mori Prima, and continued venting his irritation for Striscia La Notizia.

“I didn’t like the series at all, because there’s only about five per cent reality in there and the rest is dreamed up,” said Cassano.

“I am made to look like I’m really invasive and his family can’t get rid of me. Look, I fully admit I’m completely insane when I’m out and about, but I always behaved well at Francesco’s house. I never slammed doors!

“Let’s not even talk about the actor who portrays me. I might not be pretty, but he’s worse! The actor they’ve got playing Francesco looks more like Mattia Perin.”

However, 38-year-old Cassano does confess his behaviour around that time was far from professional.

“The first five or six months, he was single, so we’d go out from morning until night. Sometimes we’d stay out all night and then go straight to training at Trigoria in the morning.

“Then he got a girlfriend and I started causing all sorts of trouble by myself instead. I was only 20 years old then. Nowadays, if I’m lucky, I fall asleep on the couch at midnight.”