Cassano takes DS course

Antonio Cassano could become a sporting director, having enrolled on an FIGC course to get his licence.

The 36-year-old has hinted at a comeback, but he hasn’t played in two years after being frozen out by Sampdoria and then leaving Verona in pre-season.

Today the FIGC announced the names enrolled on its sporting director course for former footballers, and FantAntonio will be starting his studies.

Antonio Cassano could become a sporting director, having enrolled on an FIGC course to get his licence.

The 36-year-old has hinted at a comeback, but he hasn’t played in two years after being frozen out by Sampdoria and then leaving Verona in pre-season.

Today the FIGC announced the names enrolled on its sporting director course for former footballers, and FantAntonio will be starting his studies.

Cristian Zaccardo, who launched a LinkedIn advert last year to find a new club, is also enrolled as are Milan director Leonardo and former goalkeeper Morgan De Sanctis.

Full list:

Giuseppe Agostini, Nicola Amoriello, Massimo Andreatini, Gianluca Berti, Rolando Bianchi, Umberto Bruno, Diego Campedelli, Antonio Cassano, Agatino Alessandro Chiavaro, Roberto Colombo, Leonardo, Morgan De Sanctis, Massimiliano Di Caro, Francesco Farina, Alessandro Frara, Gael Genevier, Simone Lo Schiavo, Andrea Mancini, Leonardo Marconcini, Giulio Migliaccio, Gianni Marco Migliorati, Paolo Morganti, Gianni Padovani, Raffaele Pinzani, Carlos Freitas, Dario Rossi, Umberto Quistelli, Gabriele Savarese, Giovanni Sergio, Paolo Tagliavento, Pietro Tarcisio Tamai, Paolo Venanzi, Vincenzo Vergine, Francesco Diego Viola, Gennaro Volpe, Cristian Zaccardo, Giorgio Zamuner