‘Cassano must be Samp’s leader’

Fernando Martins calls to Antonio Cassano to become Sampdoria's 'point of reference', whilst discussing the team's objectives.

The midfielder did not start well with the Blucerchiati as they were crushed 4-0 by Vojvodina and left out of the Europa League, but Fernando believes they should focus on new targets.

Fernando Martins calls to Antonio Cassano to become Sampdoria's 'point of reference', whilst discussing the team's objectives.

The midfielder did not start well with the Blucerchiati as they were crushed 4-0 by Vojvodina and left out of the Europa League, but Fernando believes they should focus on new targets.

“We were aiming for the Europa League and we lost that right away, so now we're really focused on the championship,” he told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“With Eder and [Roberto] Soriano staying with us, two players of great quality, I'm convinced we can repeat the great season we had last year.

“In fact we could do even better and conquer a new European opportunity.

“We must respect all of our adversaries, but also have faith in our own qualities.

“I think there are some players here who still haven't understood how much quality they have. If they understand that, we'll really leap ahead.

“[Luis] Muriel? I was surprised by him too. He's young, he's only one year older than I am, and he's fantastic.

“He does things that other people don't even think of, he sees openings where everybody else only sees a wall of defenders.

“He can make Sampdoria fly.”

Finally, Fernando was asked for a comment on Antonio Cassano, who is still regaining his form.

“I must confess something: I really didn't know him, I'd never heard of who he was.

“Later I heard so much and I realised that many people considered him an idol, so I went to watch a few videos and my jaw dropped.

“I can't wait to see him at the peak of his abilities again.

“I know he got a lot of heat for his personality, but I don't feel that way about him.

“He's always very friendly in the changing room and he's available. He's always talking to me in spite of the language barrier.

“For his history and his quality, Antonio must return to being a point of reference for our team.”