Cassano: ‘I’d drink petrol for Samp!’

Antonio Cassano has reiterated his desire to stay at Sampdoria. “I'd drink a glass of President Riccardo Garrone's petrol,” he told a comedy show.

The club has begun proceedings to have his contract terminated following a row with President (and oil baron) Garrone.

“I'd drink a glass of petrol from the Garrone refinery if it meant his forgiveness,” joked the player on Striscia La Notizia.

Antonio Cassano has reiterated his desire to stay at Sampdoria. “I'd drink a glass of President Riccardo Garrone's petrol,” he told a comedy show.

The club has begun proceedings to have his contract terminated following a row with President (and oil baron) Garrone.

“I'd drink a glass of petrol from the Garrone refinery if it meant his forgiveness,” joked the player on Striscia La Notizia.

“If possible I would like to play again, but it's up to the President. There was a discussion between myself and Garrone that ended in a complicated situation.

“I was meant to participate in an awards ceremony with him, I said no and tempers got heated.

“I had already told him two months ago that I had other commitments, but Garrone insisted. We got into some ugly words.

“My wife is pregnant, she isn't feeling very well, so it's obvious I wanted to stay close to her.”

Alleged details of the row emerged in the newspapers, but Cassano assures the quotes were inaccurate.

“I never called him an old man. I would never dare say such a thing. I said some things with the wrong tone.

“The most important thing for me right now is getting back on the field and, as I always said, I want to stay with Sampdoria, if that is possible.”