Cassano: ‘Balo, come to Samp!’

Antonio Cassano has reportedly encouraged Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli to join him at Sampdoria: ‘We’ll do great things together.’

Gazzetta dello Sport has reported today that the two controversial strikers have been in contact via text message.

The paper reports that Cassano has told Balotelli: ‘Come to Samp and you won’t regret it, we’ll do great things together.’

Antonio Cassano has reportedly encouraged Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli to join him at Sampdoria: ‘We’ll do great things together.’

Gazzetta dello Sport has reported today that the two controversial strikers have been in contact via text message.

The paper reports that Cassano has told Balotelli: ‘Come to Samp and you won’t regret it, we’ll do great things together.’

However, a deal for the Blucerchiati remains difficult as the 25-year-old would reportedly require a €6m per season contract, which Samp can’t afford.

The paper reports that the possibility remains of Liverpool being willing to loan out Balotelli and contribute to 75 per cent of his wages.