Lazio defender Nicolò Casale has denied placing bets on sporting events and pledged to take legal action against gossip columnist Fabrizio Corona for ‘defamation and slander.’

The centre-back was one of three names made by Corona to Striscia La Notizia last night, along with Roma forward Stephan El Shaarawy and Juventus defender Federico Gatti.

The Turin public prosecutor insisted today that there is no evidence against the trio and they are not currently under investigation.

Now Casale has released a statement via his lawyer, ready to take legal action against Corona and the Dillinger News site, which have been naming various players as being involved in illegal betting.

“Nicolò Casale has never placed a bet on a sporting event and spent his life only ever focused on his sport,” said lawyer Guido Furgiuele.

“Despite that, some unfounded and slanderous accusations have been bandied about on his supposed involvement in the investigation into betting in the world of football.

“Having confirmed he is totally extraneous to the investigation and the events referred to, along with the gravity of the accusations, we will take legal action and pursue those behind these stories for defamation and/or slander.

“This is to protect his image and honour.”

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