Carraro: ‘Won’t be FIGC commissioner’

Franco Carraro is willing to offer “advice and experience”, but won’t be commissioner of the FIGC.

Carraro stepped down as President of the Italian FA after the Calciopoli scandal in 2006, but the resignation of Carlo Tavecchio this week led some, including Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis to suggest Carraro could return but the man himself has ruled that out.

Franco Carraro is willing to offer “advice and experience”, but won’t be commissioner of the FIGC.

Carraro stepped down as President of the Italian FA after the Calciopoli scandal in 2006, but the resignation of Carlo Tavecchio this week led some, including Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis to suggest Carraro could return but the man himself has ruled that out.

“I thank De Laurentiis, and I’m very grateful for his words,” Carraro said on Radio Crc.

“Not just for what he said, but because in 2004 he took Napoli in a very complicated condition.

“Napoli fans were angry with me [after they went bankrupt and were demoted], but I hope they realised over time that I was acting in good faith and following the rules.

“After me Napoli were in a solid condition and I hope De Laurentiis will bring Napoli the same success as [Corrado] Ferlaino did.

“Could I replace Tavecchio? I think it needs a renewal of the leaders, and if anyone asks me to lend a hand and make my experience available to them then so be it.

“I have a long past but I can’t have a future, I’ll make my ideas available though. If people think I can offer my advice and experience, great, but I stop there. I won’t be commissioner of the Federation.

“Following Tavecchio’s resignation I think we need a period of commissionership, not a long one, but one which allows us to change the rules and the leaders.

“On the other hand, let’s not forget 1958 when a period of commissionership revolutionised the rules of calcio.

“The President of the Federation was a then very young [Umberto] Agnelli. I think a commissionership which leads to new rules could bring radical reform.”