Capello in Russia for talks

Fabio Capello has reportedly arrived in Russia for talks with the Russian Football Union over becoming the national team’s new Coach.

The former England head Coach has been continuously linked with the position in the wake of Dick Advocaat’s pre-planned departure and this week was named as one of 13 potential candidates for the role.

Fabio Capello has reportedly arrived in Russia for talks with the Russian Football Union over becoming the national team’s new Coach.

The former England head Coach has been continuously linked with the position in the wake of Dick Advocaat’s pre-planned departure and this week was named as one of 13 potential candidates for the role.

Despite his agent’s denials, reports today have Capello as flying out to Russia to hold talks with their Football Union over taking up the position, as confirmed by Russian Minister of Sport Vitali Mutko.

“Capello might present a good opportunity to the Russian national team because he knows how to win, as we know from his past,” Mutko told Tv Russia Uno today.

“He is at the same level as Guus Hiddink.”

The Russians are reportedly offering as much as €7.5m a season for the job and are prepared to hand the successful candidate a six-year contract, taking the team up to the 2018 World Cup, which they are hosting.