Capello: ‘Allegri, wait for United’

Fabio Capello has declared that Nicolo Zaniolo is “the biggest talent in Italy” right now and advised Max Allegri to wait for Manchester United.

Capello continued his appearance on Radio Anch’io Sport by discussing Maurizio Sarri’s start as Juventus boss and how he has had to prioritise good results over good football.

“In general, without an idea you can’t go forward,” explained the 73-year-old.

Fabio Capello has declared that Nicolo Zaniolo is “the biggest talent in Italy” right now and advised Max Allegri to wait for Manchester United.

Capello continued his appearance on Radio Anch’io Sport by discussing Maurizio Sarri’s start as Juventus boss and how he has had to prioritise good results over good football.

“In general, without an idea you can’t go forward,” explained the 73-year-old.

“Sarri has understood that even he needs to go for the results at this moment, more than good play.

“Sarri is playing the players who can give him the best results.”

The former Roma boss was recently involved in a spat with Zaniolo’s mother after he advised Inter prospect Sebastiano Esposito “not to go the same way” as the Giallorossi gem…

“I have no problem with him. I think he’s a great talent, the biggest we have in Italy.

“Perhaps, when I spoke of him, I forgot to mention [Moise] Kean. I also had young players who lost themselves, look at [Antonio] Cassano.”

Mario Balotelli was racially abused during Brescia’s 2-1 defeat to Verona, and Capello believes actions are needed more than ever to combat the problem.

“We struggle to isolate racists because we’ve given them importance. They feel strong when they are in numbers but are weak when they’re not.

“Racism doesn’t need to exist. The reaction from Balotelli was important and needs to be supported.

“We talk a lot, but we have very few serious verdicts. We only need to look at the TV cameras, like they do in England. We want verdicts, not words.”

Allegri has emerged as a leading contender to take over at Bayern, but the ex-England CT feels United are a better option for the Coach.

“He’d be a good fit at Bayern Munich, although I don’t know how welcome Italians are in Germany after Ancelotti.

“England’s exciting, there’s the possibility of working well and the Premier League is a championship that enriches you.

“If I was Allegri, I’d go to Manchester.”