Cannavaro blamed for Higuain injury!

Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis publicly blamed Paolo Cannavaro for causing Gonzalo Higuain’s head injury.

Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis publicly blamed Paolo Cannavaro for causing Gonzalo Higuain’s head injury.

The patron was chatting to fans at a university in Rome and perhaps did not realise he was being filmed on a cameraphone.

The footage (see video below) found its way to and shows De Laurentiis blaming his captain – who has barely played this season – for the nasty head injury Higuain suffered at the start of his Napoli career.

“Cannavaro? Higuain had just arrived, so what does Cannavaro do? What happened was that **** Cannavaro hired a boat and took Higuain to Capri.

“There was no proper guide, so he took him diving right over the rocks.”

Higuain required 10 stitches to his face after hitting the rocks in August.

De Laurentiis took to Twitter in order to insist it was "just a moment of fun. Paolo and I had a good laugh over it."