Calhanoglu injury scare for Milan

Milan have to deal with yet another injury problem, as it’s reported Hakan Calhanoglu has left the Turkey camp early.

He has been struggling with a recurring issue with his ankle and the top of his foot, which at times made it difficult for him to even put on football boots.

According to the latest reports out of Turkey, Calhanoglu’s pain flared up again on international duty and he was sent home for treatment.

Milan have to deal with yet another injury problem, as it’s reported Hakan Calhanoglu has left the Turkey camp early.

He has been struggling with a recurring issue with his ankle and the top of his foot, which at times made it difficult for him to even put on football boots.

According to the latest reports out of Turkey, Calhanoglu’s pain flared up again on international duty and he was sent home for treatment.

It is yet another blow for the Rossoneri, who are already forced to do without Alessio Romagnoli, Mateo Musacchio, Giacomo Bonaventura, Lucas Biglia and Mattia Caldara.