Calhanoglu compares Di Maria to Berardi ahead of Inter-Benfica

Hakan Calhanoglu warns Inter that Angel Di Maria could be as dangerous as Domenico Berardi and reveals Roger Schmidt texted him before last season’s Champions League Final.

Calhanolgu spoke at a press conference on Monday on the eve of a Champions League clash between Inter and Benfica at San Siro.

The Turkey international will reunite with Schmidt who was his coach at Bayer Leverkusen.

“I’ve spoken many times with Schmidt. The last time was before the Champions League Final. He texted me saying he hoped I could win, but it didn’t happen,” said Calhanoglu as quoted by FcInternews.

“He was important to me when I was at Leverkusen. As for Orkun Kokcu, I am happy he joined Benfica because he is a great player and a great man. We play together with the national team and I am happy with what he is doing at Benfica.

“It was great to reach the Champions League Final last season even if we didn’t bring the cup home,” continued the Turkey international.

“It wasn’t easy, but we proved we are strong. We have improved a lot this season. We lost against Sassuolo, but it can happen when you play every three days. I know Benfica’s coach and I am looking forward to playing tomorrow.”

Inter have only lost one game across all competitions so far this season. Their only defeat came last week when Berardi scored and assisted in Sassuolo’s 2-1 win at the Stadio Meazza.

Ex-Juventus winger Di Maria is expected to start tomorrow and Calha sees similarities between El Fideo and Berardi.

“We can say he [Di Maria] is similar to Berardi. He has a lot of quality and experience, but it’s not just him. Tomorrow every detail will count.

“We have prepared well, we are ready for tomorrow. It won’t be easy, but we’ll give everything for the fans. With their support, we’ll play a great game.”

Turkey have recently appointed Vincenzo Montella as their new head coach so Calhanoglu was asked whether he had spoken with his ex-Milan boss.

“First of all, I want to thank the ex-CT Kuntz who did a great job,” he said.

“I spoke to Montella, he wanted feedback on the team. He was my coach in my first season at Milan. Having an Italian coach is always good because football is always ahead in Italy.”

Calhanoglu is one of the idols of Inter fans and believes it is impossible to describe how it feels to play for the Nerazzurri.

“You can’t explain it but just experience it. People give incredible emotion, not just to me but also to my family,” the Turkey star said.

“My mum was in tears and was proud just like my wife. I will forever give everything for this shirt. I will never forget my first game as an Inter player, you know how it is when you join from Milan.”

The last question was about his rapport with Kristjan Asllani and what he tells the Albania international to make him improve.

“We are on good terms. I always tell him to give his best, be aggressive and be hungrier in duels. He is improving, he is a good guy who listens,” concluded Calhanoglu.