Cairo: ‘Ventura is the best’

Torino President Urbano Cairo assures he has “great confidence” in Coach Giampiero Ventura – “he’s the best we’ve ever had”.

Reports this week indicated that the veteran tactician will leave the Granata at the end of the season, following a series of disappointing results.

However, speaking to Gazzetta dello Sport, Toro’s patron reaffirmed his faith in his Coach.

“Our Coach has extraordinary qualities,” Cairo insisted.

Torino President Urbano Cairo assures he has “great confidence” in Coach Giampiero Ventura – “he’s the best we’ve ever had”.

Reports this week indicated that the veteran tactician will leave the Granata at the end of the season, following a series of disappointing results.

However, speaking to Gazzetta dello Sport, Toro’s patron reaffirmed his faith in his Coach.

“Our Coach has extraordinary qualities,” Cairo insisted.

“If we renewed his contract until 2018 it’s because we have great confidence in him, he’s the best Coach we’ve ever had.

“There’s still a third of the season to go, we can still recover. We just have to stay together and not lose our faith.

“I realise our fast start in the League created high expectations, but we’re doing important work and I believe in it.

“The team has the attributes to get back on track.

“If we maintain the strength of the group, supported – as always – by our fans, who are unique, we’re convinced that we can still have a good campaign.

“All it takes is a little more patience. The squad is good quality, we’ve invested in youth and we have to give them time to grow.

“We mustn’t put them under pressure, what’s important is that they’re all together and pulling in one direction.”