Torino President Urbano Cairo has spoken about the renewal of star striker Andrea Belotti, announcing ‘we want to go beyond our limits’.

The deal was announced yesterday with an €100m release clause that is only valid for foreign clubs.

"The mission of Torino is to go beyond our limits,” Cairo told the Press at an awards ceremony.

“We had very good years in the past with Ventura, who served us and then went to the national team.

Torino President Urbano Cairo has spoken about the renewal of star striker Andrea Belotti, announcing ‘we want to go beyond our limits’.

The deal was announced yesterday with an €100m release clause that is only valid for foreign clubs.

"The mission of Torino is to go beyond our limits,” Cairo told the Press at an awards ceremony.

“We had very good years in the past with Ventura, who served us and then went to the national team.

"Now we want to continue to churn out quality players. The renewal of the contract Belotti is important for us, also by way of this €100m release clause that is only valid for clubs abroad.

"Whoever wants him must overpay, but I hope no one comes forward with this figure."

Cairo was then asked about the Turin derby with Juventus this weekend.

"We have to prepare very well for the challenge with Juve, but we will play it just like any other game, with no special considerations."

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