Cagliari to keep big names

Cagliari” data-scaytid=”1″>Cagliari have maintained that they will not sell any of their key players during the January transfer session.

Cagliari have maintained that they will not sell any of their key players during the January transfer session.

The Rossoblu had suggested that they could release a big name this month – Radja Nainggolan, Davide Astori or Mauricio Pinilla – in order to raise finances in Sardinia.

Nainggolan has been paired with a number of sides, while Milan have been linked with a bid for the centre-back.

“We hope to keep everyone and nobody has asked us to be sold,” sporting director Francesco Marroccu stated on Friday.

“We’ve been asked for Nainggolan by a variety of teams, but he isn’t going anywhere.

“As for Astori, he was born there and I presume that they like him, but they haven’t asked us for him.”