Gigi Buffon was disappointed he could not celebrate his 112th cap with a victory, but is “proud” of Italy’s performance.

Gigi Buffon was disappointed he could not celebrate his 112th cap with a victory, but is “proud” of Italy’s performance.

“My next objective is just to play as much as possible for the Nazionale, as that always has been, is and will be a great source of pride to wear the Azzurri jersey,” he said after matching Dino Zoff’s total.

“I’ve done it 112 times and hope to do so for many more. Let’s say we’ll finish at 150! In all honesty, my objective isn’t to become the most capped player. The real thing is to keep playing, as that will mean I am still a competitive and respected goalkeeper who earns his spot.

“In a few years we’ll have to look at the old birth certificate and give space to those coming through the ranks.

“After all the injuries I’ve had in the last 18 months, it’s good to feel so strong and train consistently. I am really enjoying my football again.”

Uruguay scored after just three minutes when taking advantage of a defensive error and Buffon feels concentration was an issue.

“It is always a shame to concede a goal, but with a little more concentration and determination, perhaps we would’ve avoided it. I think maybe if this had not been a friendly, we wouldn’t have let that goal in.

“I always remember games with Uruguay being very tough and with few goals, as they are solid and difficult to break down, especially if you’re unlucky enough to go behind early on.

“Unfortunately we didn’t get the win, but everyone can be proud of the performance and effort we put in. Clearly one cannot be entirely positive after a defeat, but it’s also true to say we held the initiative for 90 minutes and had many chances to draw level, so there was some good among the bad.”

Cesare Prandelli continued to test new tactics, as the Azzurri have to revamp after learning Giuseppe Rossi and Antonio Cassano will be out for six months.

“It has been difficult, as we played a certain way for a year and a half with Cassano and Rossi, then had to chance our approach due to the different characteristics of the players. It’s a tough job for the Coach,” added Buffon.

“It was certainly a pity to end 2011 with a defeat after we recovered so much credibility and confidence. Our next game is in February, so there will hopefully be time for everyone to get back in shape.”

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