Gigi Buffon feels the secret to the record-breaking Juventus” data-scaytid=”3″>Juventus campaign is their “desire to amaze.”

Gigi Buffon feels the secret to the record-breaking Juventus campaign is their “desire to amaze.”

The Bianconeri had never before reached Week 18 still unbeaten in Serie A and will be crowned winter champions if they avoid defeat away to Atalanta” data-scaytid=”6″>Atalanta this weekend.

“It seems like a novelty now, but a few years ago we were used to situations like this and it’s a pleasure to be back there,” the goalkeeper told Juventus Channel.

“We are managing that thanks to our desire to amaze, to sweat and prove ourselves all over again.

“The defence is doing well, it’s true, but this is thanks to the work of the whole squad who with their pressing ensure the service that comes my way isn’t easy to finish off.

“My best save of the season so far was the one against Milan’s Kevin-Prince Boateng. It may not have been spectacular, but not everyone can realise how difficult it was. A goalkeeper knows that was a great save.”

Buffon is looking ahead to Saturday’s big test in Bergamo, where only Milan have been able to take away a victory this term.

“It will be a difficult and fiery encounter, as it always is against Atalanta. We want to maintain our position in the table.”

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