Buffon: ‘Conte’s Italy like Juventus’

Captain Gianluigi Buffon says Antonio Conte’s Italy side is just like the Juventus team which won three Scudetti.

Conte took over as Italy CT this summer after leaving the Bianconeri, who he had guided to three consecutive titles, and Buffon reveals the same approach has been carried over to the Azzurri.

"The coach has tried to put his stamp on the team since he arrived,” the goalkeeper told UEFA’s official website.

Captain Gianluigi Buffon says Antonio Conte’s Italy side is just like the Juventus team which won three Scudetti.

Conte took over as Italy CT this summer after leaving the Bianconeri, who he had guided to three consecutive titles, and Buffon reveals the same approach has been carried over to the Azzurri.

"The coach has tried to put his stamp on the team since he arrived,” the goalkeeper told UEFA’s official website.

“In tactical aspects on the pitch and also in terms of being serious and fully dedicated to work and specifics in training, the gym and so on.

“He thinks – and I think this is the right way as well – that the more you get used to fatigue and overcoming mental hurdles, then the better you're able to respond to difficulties on the pitch.

“It was like that for three years at Juventus, and I hope for many more years with the national team.

“The respect the players feel for the coach, and the credibility he has among the players, is based on him treating everyone the same.

“The rules apply to everyone and everyone is treated more or less the same way. And when it comes to deciding who plays, we are all put on the same level. That's a very good way to work.”

The Azzurri captain then looked ahead to the Euro 2016 qualifier with Bulgaria, and insists it will not be an easy game.

“When you play away matches against teams from that part of the world, you always face difficulties.

“You always face tough sides that give 120 per cent because they're playing against Italy – it gives their players a chance to show what they can do.

“It will certainly be a difficult hurdle to overcome. But I think that if we go there with the right frame of mind and the right attitude, which you need for this competition, then we are a team that can beat anybody."