Gianluigi Buffon turns 42 today and has said that he’s “open to all ideas", whilst he believes Juventus have “the destiny in our own hands” ahead of the title race.

Buffon has played seven games in Serie A this term and is still going strong since his first season at Parma in 1995-96.

He revealed that his increasing age is only something “inevitable” and hopes to continue to play if he feels good enough.

Gianluigi Buffon turns 42 today and has said that he’s “open to all ideas", whilst he believes Juventus have “the destiny in our own hands” ahead of the title race.

Buffon has played seven games in Serie A this term and is still going strong since his first season at Parma in 1995-96.

He revealed that his increasing age is only something “inevitable” and hopes to continue to play if he feels good enough.

“After a certain age, there aren’t any big parties, but it’s something inevitable and must always be accepted with a smile and satisfaction,” Buffon told Sky Sport Italia. “It’s 42 years of being a player, having good performances and being a happy person.

“I’ll see when I arrive in March or April, if there won’t be a complete collapse, I am open to all ideas. The most important thing is to remain consistent in what I’m doing and how it makes me feel.

“I’ll see if what I’m doing is still at a high level, as I believe it is right now. The role I have in the team and the relationship I have with everyone is rewarding.”

The shot-stopper revealed that the news about Kobe Bryant’s death “makes you feel a lot more vulnerable” after learning about the helicopter crash on Sunday.

“It’s something far-fetched, because when these misfortunes, these tragedies touch such important personalities in the middle of their lives, it’s something that makes you feel a lot more vulnerable,” he added. “It seems that life and being well is to some people expected, you never imagine that a sacred monster and an incomparable sportsman like Kobe could have a similar epilogue.”

Juventus are currently three points above Inter in the League, but Lazio have one game in hand on both of the top two and are currently five points behind the Bianconeri.

Meaning that Simone Inzaghi’s men could cut the gap to a mere two-point lead for the Old Lady, as they are currently on a great run of 15 games unbeaten in Serie A.

“We have to fight for the Scudetto until the end. Lazio are doing something exceptional,” Buffon said. “The fact that they don’t have midweek matches will affect so much from here on in.

“Inter, although I’m not surprised because I know their coach, will be there until the end. I am sure of that. But the destiny is in our own hands. When you are stronger, you know that fate depends on you and we have this awareness. But on this certainty, we must not abandon ourselves.”

Juventus had a small setback against Napoli last weekend, when the Partenopei beat the Bianconeri 2-1 at the San Paolo and they now prepare to face Fiorentina on Sunday.

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